Here’s our parody video!!!


FINALLY the end of BCM journey of blogpost, been wrecking my brain on what to post every week and to figure out what media have impact and influence our lives! Media is just a mundane thing to everyone, yet no one sees how different company uses commercials to influence people’s thinking every now and then!

User Generated Content have changed the way I understand mainstream traditional media is that everyone would tend to access to UGC more often than traditional media due to the readily communicated news and events going on in daily lives!


Different UGCs such as YouTube and Facebook have had been an important part of growing teens lives, like without UGC??? You are probably not hip enough. Irony of the UGC is that, people get real time news much faster than mainstream traditional media, for example if the train break down before the traditional media explains what had caused the break down, our UGC have already spreading different pictures or views on why it happened.

One of the most impressive commercial that I have ever seen using UGC was Starbucks’ white cup contest, having the thoughts that your doddle on the normal Starbucks cup would allow you to have a chance of turning it into a Tumblr just spur everyone on to join the contest; be it just being bored or really want to win the contest!

In my end point, mainstream traditional is still more credible compared to UGC, but to get information as quickly as you can. Mainstream media would not be able to win the speed of the UGC, but everyone’s opinion about mainstream media posted on UGC is ABLEEEEE to improve how mainstream media is 😊


An example of a popular media text is American Sniper. The film is based on the true story of Navy SEAL sharpshooter, Chris Kyle, who claimed more than 200 enemy kills (with 160 confirmed), allowing him to be the most lethal US sniper. He was then killed by a veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

The film maker claimed that the movie is produce to show the reality of soldiers coming home from war, and the government should take care of their transition from military to civilian life, the movie wasn’t created to discuss war.


However, there were people who complained that the movie doesn’t show the true colors of why and how the US went into a war. Michael Moore, an academy-award winning film and best-selling author tweeted on his account that his uncle was killed by a Sniper in WWII, and he was taught from young that Snipers are cowards that shoot you from the back, they ain’t heroes, and invaders are worse. He was then attacked by former house speaker, Newt Gingrich, whom suggested that he should spend a few weeks with ISIS, so Michael might be able to appreciate the country’s defender!

In conclusion, I feel that to spark a debate for any media text would be relatively easy. If the target audience are brought up in a different cultural style, their views will differ from each other. For example, comparing Singapore, a multi-racial country to US, a “white” country, having to see so much confliction between the whites and blacks/browns. It makes me wonder whether if the movie is produced by a black person, or most of the actors are black, how would the US citizen react to the film?

There will never be a day where debate over controversy matter would stop based on the beliefs and culture of the individual. However, I do strongly believe that individuals should express the opinions in a way whereby it is healthy for the community itself.



Reflection: Does it matter who owns the media?


Is there any right answer to the question? I doubt it. I grew up listening and watching news, thinking that every news is real news and never question how the government controlled the media. I believe most of the Singaporeans, will never question what the news reported to us because how dangerous can Singapore be?

My answer to the question:

To a large extent, I would definitely want the government to be in control however, on the other hand, we do know that the government are withholding some information that we “deserve” to know. So?

Question to ponder about, “Why did the government deemed some information as “classified” and not be able to publish the news to us, Singaporeans?” Would it be because, Singapore is always labelled as a SAFE country, hence posting negative news, would bring down the reputation of our country?

We wouldn’t know the real answer, why government did what they have done!

I do strongly encourage for Singapore to have a private media company, without any propaganda restriction, a platform for Singaporeans to express what they truly feel about the news in Singapore. The private media company should be run by a group of people that can think logically, and rationally, hence the news posted would not be seemed as a childish act or a joke to public. I am very much done with being under an umbrella, sheltered by the government thinking that Singapore is good as it is portrayed by the news.

However, we do have to look at the negative side when Singaporeans can speak freely, as it could cause chaos and affect the harmony among everyone. With the influx of foreign talents, being able to speak freely on a platform would allow the majority to bully the minority, which is something we try to avoid as much as we could.

I have a pretty interesting question to ask my readers,

If one day, I insult a Malay person, I would be deemed as RACIST, and harsh acts will be act upon me.

However, what if one day, I insult my own race, what would I be deemed as?

The reason for the above question, what is with Singaporeans’ double standard when it comes to this?

Second Discussion!

What a Uses and Gratifications research would look for?


My first impression of this question

After reading human-communication-article, page 99 onward explaining why young adults use Social networking sites (SNS) through uses and gratifications theory. I looked upon myself in the past, whether I have been using SNS as a platform to satisfy my need of attention. Then, I realized everyone do have a reason on why they would post certain status on SNS or merely just “trying” to know someone that they are interested in.

Back to the question on what does the research look for? In my personal view, the research are looking for different reason how SNS is able to constantly attract old or new users or in fact how SNS is still causing a uproar in our daily lives. And how people can still be feeding off information, even though they know that it could probably be another fake news or they are just plain gullible.


ONE example of ways how ‘lobby’ groups make use of a particular readings of images to make an argument or stand

First, what are ‘lobby’ groups? They are people who attempt to influence the actions, policies, or decisions of people in his/her daily life for a specific cause or opinion.

I assume that doctors are one of the most powerful ‘lobby’ groups, seeing how they could influence how the patient’s mindset. Taking example of the most simple situation, you fell and assume there was a bone fracture, you could be in the most excruciating pain. After taking a series of x-rays, IF your doctor told you, there is actually no fracture, just a few muscle spasm due to the fall. You would definitely believe what the doctor said, due to the medical experiences that he/she have, when you fell the next time and experience that pain, without any doubt, you will assume that it’s just muscle spasm.

And this is how one’s opinion, especially someone that holds a higher knowledge in the field or someone that you respect a lot can easily sway your mindset.

Let’s discuss!


What is wrong with the ‘media effects’ model?

So, let’s talk about what media effects is all about first. Media effects are all about how one production is able to affect the whole dynamic on how people think and feel. Then again, how wrong can the media effects model be?

To me, media effects can be deadly to certain group of people. Such as young kids below 8, who is unable to differentiate between reality and drama, they do really think that Superman can fly. But could he? I doubt so,  but on the other hand, this is how superheroes impact kids to be righteous and brave.  To enable the kids to learn the good ways of how people should help one another when is in need and to not to be like the villains that only do harm to the society. Of course, there would be a handful of kids that prefer villains, however, this will be when influences from environment would set in, be it family or friends that display a negative impact in their life.

Instead of seeing what is wrong with the model, we should be looking at how the media effects links up to how one’s environment is like. Having to be show a domestic violence movie to anyone that comes from a loving family, it would not make much impact compared to one from a broken family, whom might actually seen such acts happen right in front of their eyes before.


What are some interesting questions to ask about the role of the media today?

In my opinion, some of the interesting question to ask about the role of the media today would be:

 1)  Do you define your news suitable for all ages, or you are just targeting certain age groups? If the latter, how do you think other age groups are reacting to the news you are publishing.

2) Would it be possible to publish a news article without any sugar coating of the issue?

3) How far and to what extent would the public be affected by news publish?

Me, Myself and I

Helloooooooo errbody

I’m Shanne, and sadly reaching the age of 22. Avid lover for any kind of animals anytime, anywhere. But my favorites are still the otters. Here’s a picture of me doing my duty at River Safari with my giant otters!!!


My Background

I live in Sunny Singapore for the past 22 years of my life, and totally in love with the hot weather. I’m not crazy liking the hot weather but i definitely prefer hot more than cold, HAHAHA. I graduated from Republic Poly last year May with the diploma of Biotechnology, and to be very honest, RP isn’t really such a bad school that people have been saying, in fact, I love the system there and made a lot of good friends during my three years.

I really love serving the people in my school or course, and plan events for them to make even more friends because RP is that small. Picture below is one of the first event I planned for my newly enrolled year 1 students, after I got into the committee of my interest group, Eureka! ((sorry for the bad quality))


So WHY am I studying Psychology?

Psychology has always been my interest ever since I was in secondary school, I love to observe people actions from how they speak to different people to the way they stand. All these small little details intrigues me a lot. But the first push was the show, Criminal Minds, after watching the first season back in 2000s. download

But I wasn’t sure whether Psychology was the right course for me because of the different career prospect at the point in time was rather shady.  I am truly glad that after my diploma, I finally made up my mind to do something that I’m really interested in!

MAIN QUESTION: how will BCM110 help me?

After going through two lecture on BCM110, I feel that media itself do influence how people think or feel to a certain extent.

For me, I’m guilty as charged when it comes to media influence. I do find myself feeding on ridiculous news/gossip through Facebook to past time, it affects me as there is just a thin line between real and fake news. And majority, would fall for the fake news as it is more dramatic and how the author of the news gets to them by adding phases that interest them.

Taking from a real life example, my youngest brother aged 4, watches YouTube almost every single day, from vlogs on games to animals and to different shows available. I seen how he learn and absorb the knowledge from the videos so easily, and it do scares me a little. Intimidation of the vloggers’ harsh language while playing games to sharing with me about wild animals while we watch Animal Planet, I’m utterly amazed at how media could really affect one’s life that easily.

In a nutshell, after this module, I would  love to teach or guide my brothers and/or friends on the correct media usage and not to be pulled in/affected by negative media.