Let’s discuss!


What is wrong with the ‘media effects’ model?

So, let’s talk about what media effects is all about first. Media effects are all about how one production is able to affect the whole dynamic on how people think and feel. Then again, how wrong can the media effects model be?

To me, media effects can be deadly to certain group of people. Such as young kids below 8, who is unable to differentiate between reality and drama, they do really think that Superman can fly. But could he? I doubt so,  but on the other hand, this is how superheroes impact kids to be righteous and brave.  To enable the kids to learn the good ways of how people should help one another when is in need and to not to be like the villains that only do harm to the society. Of course, there would be a handful of kids that prefer villains, however, this will be when influences from environment would set in, be it family or friends that display a negative impact in their life.

Instead of seeing what is wrong with the model, we should be looking at how the media effects links up to how one’s environment is like. Having to be show a domestic violence movie to anyone that comes from a loving family, it would not make much impact compared to one from a broken family, whom might actually seen such acts happen right in front of their eyes before.


What are some interesting questions to ask about the role of the media today?

In my opinion, some of the interesting question to ask about the role of the media today would be:

 1)  Do you define your news suitable for all ages, or you are just targeting certain age groups? If the latter, how do you think other age groups are reacting to the news you are publishing.

2) Would it be possible to publish a news article without any sugar coating of the issue?

3) How far and to what extent would the public be affected by news publish?

5 thoughts on “Let’s discuss!

  1. Hi Shanne! It is pretty scary that children believes whatever they hear and see. This is why it is important for people around them to be a good role model and teach them the correct values. Yes, the way Media affects people depends on people’s environment and I strongly believe with your point that we should take into account this factor instead of blaming everything on Media.
    Your second question is really interesting and it makes me think. It is hard to not sugarcoat issues. Also, as audiences, it is kinda impossible for us to know whether an issue is sugarcoated or not. We will never know what the government/people controlling Media is really doing. I think some governments hold back information for the sake of the country. If people know too much, different opinions may surface and disastrous events (e.g. riots/protests) may occur. However, some governments sugarcoat information for their own sake, hiding the truth from people to put themselves in a good light so that they can gain support from the people.
    Media that is not controlled by the government can post the news article without any sugar coating if they know the truth, but that article would probably be taken down by the government if it is not in line with their intention. I think it is possible to do it but it would be hard. But.. If two different parties publish articles talking about the same issue, as audiences, how would we know which is the truth anyways?


  2. hellos, i agree that certain group of people are easily affected by medias like young kids who have yet experience and know many things in the reality, and on how to differentiate reality and virtual, the right and wrong. Many children tends to get stuck in the virtual and mix with the reality, thinking both are the same, therefore i feel that parents should be keep an eye on the children when they are on certain age, as well as teaching and educate them the differences between reality (this world where we are living in) and virtual ( television shows / videos / movies) to let them understand that there are certain things that would not happened and could not do in this reality where they are living in.
    Interesting question on we should be looking at how the media effects links up to how one’s environment is like, many tends to blame media first whenever there are cases like on violence / murder arise in the society and push the 100% blame on media, however people should understand that there are many factors that cause someone to do such acts, including their family situation, their living environment, their peers influence


  3. Hi Shanne! Isn’t it crazy to know that, children under the age of 8 get influenced by the media easily? Just to let you know, when I was young I could not differentiate what is real and what is not! I believe in superman and I hope one day I can be just like him! But when I grew up and being told that superman is faked, I have then realised that it is just an imagination. I got to agree with your first question. Not all news or movie suitable for all ages and ethnics. But why are they still showing it? A question to ponder. Good one mate!


  4. Hi Shanne, I really liked the simple but great example you gave on the idea of ‘Superman’ being a double-edged sword! Absolutely agree that most of the time we do give media quite a bad name, while discounting the fact that hey, the environment one grows up in does actually play a much bigger role than an entity which is incapable of any thoughts of its own! I would definitely say while the onus of making wise decisions can’t be placed on a group of children as young as eight yet… The onus of supervision would then definitely have to be placed on families!

    Regardless, I refer to your 2nd question on whether it’s possible for news to be published without any sugarcoating involved. First of all, my 2 cents worth in this is simply that no news would ever be objective. Be it driven by profits or national interests, news published often serve the purpose of conveying an implicit message to its audience. With this said, it is already skewed, isn’t it? 😉 As such, the question that should perhaps be asked instead is this: Can news ever be truly objective? 😉


  5. Hi it’s Wahiuz, regarding your blog post it quite assuredly is alluring. Its interesting to see when you posed questions in the early segments of the post, you delicately gave your own opinion from the very questions you asked, smooth indeed. I liked that you focus on the main aspects of the study such as how they refer to kids being influenced by the media. Also including other factors like ones environment was brilliant. The example given was also great, not to mention exquisitely simple. Different family backgrounds do influence an individual differently. Your second question seem to strike me the most. A non sugarcoated news does seem like a rarity. Though I have to admit if it were at all possible. Last but not least, I definitely agree on your take on Morpheus. He is a superhero.


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