Second Discussion!

What a Uses and Gratifications research would look for?


My first impression of this question

After reading human-communication-article, page 99 onward explaining why young adults use Social networking sites (SNS) through uses and gratifications theory. I looked upon myself in the past, whether I have been using SNS as a platform to satisfy my need of attention. Then, I realized everyone do have a reason on why they would post certain status on SNS or merely just “trying” to know someone that they are interested in.

Back to the question on what does the research look for? In my personal view, the research are looking for different reason how SNS is able to constantly attract old or new users or in fact how SNS is still causing a uproar in our daily lives. And how people can still be feeding off information, even though they know that it could probably be another fake news or they are just plain gullible.


ONE example of ways how ‘lobby’ groups make use of a particular readings of images to make an argument or stand

First, what are ‘lobby’ groups? They are people who attempt to influence the actions, policies, or decisions of people in his/her daily life for a specific cause or opinion.

I assume that doctors are one of the most powerful ‘lobby’ groups, seeing how they could influence how the patient’s mindset. Taking example of the most simple situation, you fell and assume there was a bone fracture, you could be in the most excruciating pain. After taking a series of x-rays, IF your doctor told you, there is actually no fracture, just a few muscle spasm due to the fall. You would definitely believe what the doctor said, due to the medical experiences that he/she have, when you fell the next time and experience that pain, without any doubt, you will assume that it’s just muscle spasm.

And this is how one’s opinion, especially someone that holds a higher knowledge in the field or someone that you respect a lot can easily sway your mindset.

3 thoughts on “Second Discussion!

  1. Heyyyyy! I agree with the fact that SNS today is attracting users of any age be it young or old! I am pretty sure that more and more elderly like our grandmas and grandpas are getting a smartphone nowadays. Although I feel like there isn’t a necessity for elderly to own a smartphone, I think they got one because of the ease of communications among the relatives, which in fact applies to my grandma too! Apart from the main usage of the smartphones, both young and old may use it as a tool of entertainment by downloading social media apps like Snapchat. This app includes different filters to play with, allowing self-entertainment and also a platform of communication among friends.
    And yes! People like us are easily convinced by the words of a profession because we believe that those are the people that has obtained the highest level of knowledge and would definitely know solutions that will be able to help us. As such, we do not doubt them and in fact, scowling at those who are skeptical to whether if we are really suffering from the diagnosed illness and claiming ”the doctor said so”.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey sister! Nice picture by the way, very humorous skeleton.
    Nice take on the Social networking sites though, I’ve often link SNS with the need for attention when I think about the issue as a whole. In our current society, attention seems to quite important for youngsters as we can find many youngsters doing many things just to get attention on SNS like posting sad or “emo” quotes to pictures of self mutilation. It seems that there is always pros and cons to any situation and this applies to our current SNS situation.

    Dr Phil is a very interesting example of a lobby group doctor and it is true that he can influence a lot of people in the form of his viewers. Good point about doctors being professional and that we tend to believe more in professionals such as doctors. It is true that this unequal relationship often leads to us trusting them more and thus affecting the way we think. Overall good job sister!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Shanne! Had fun reading through your blog post! Indeed, Media is a platform used to satisfy our needs or rather intentions that we have in mind when we use social media in general. Even though many of us already know how influential media can be ( positively and negatively), we cant help but continue using media right! Even though there is constant circulation of fake news, videos posted online to ridicule people or condemn people… naturally people still conform to using media (social media) because we reply so much on it for information or communication!

    I really liked your concluding sentence that the more knowledgeable tends to be the controlling ones over the people mindset. Indeed, they seem to have the resources and ability to influence people mindset. Even right now, I know the how media companies are so exclusive about certain reports so that they can enjoy high profitability, I cannot help but still depend on other news website for information. 😦
    Always fun reading your blog posts!

    Liked by 1 person

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