Here’s our parody video!!!


FINALLY the end of BCM journey of blogpost, been wrecking my brain on what to post every week and to figure out what media have impact and influence our lives! Media is just a mundane thing to everyone, yet no one sees how different company uses commercials to influence people’s thinking every now and then!

User Generated Content have changed the way I understand mainstream traditional media is that everyone would tend to access to UGC more often than traditional media due to the readily communicated news and events going on in daily lives!


Different UGCs such as YouTube and Facebook have had been an important part of growing teens lives, like without UGC??? You are probably not hip enough. Irony of the UGC is that, people get real time news much faster than mainstream traditional media, for example if the train break down before the traditional media explains what had caused the break down, our UGC have already spreading different pictures or views on why it happened.

One of the most impressive commercial that I have ever seen using UGC was Starbucks’ white cup contest, having the thoughts that your doddle on the normal Starbucks cup would allow you to have a chance of turning it into a Tumblr just spur everyone on to join the contest; be it just being bored or really want to win the contest!

In my end point, mainstream traditional is still more credible compared to UGC, but to get information as quickly as you can. Mainstream media would not be able to win the speed of the UGC, but everyone’s opinion about mainstream media posted on UGC is ABLEEEEE to improve how mainstream media is 😊

3 thoughts on “THE END :(

  1. Hi Shanne! Your group’s video is so cool hahaha it’s so funny how you guys just did the acting without feeling embarrassed haha.
    Anyways, yes! I agree that people get information is wayyyy quicker on UGCs, but sometimes we can only find out the reason behind certain problems on mainstream traditional TV (e.g. news reporting on why train broke down and the actions taken by the staffs). Social media plays a huge part of my life, I can survive without media but I would be super bored. All the free time spent was on social media platforms and sometimes I used them to release my emotions and thoughts. Watching/reading UGC can also be a common topic to talk about or something to do together with friends. UGCs can basically be a source of entertainment for people while mainstream traditional TV is a platform for people to find out official news.


  2. Hi Shanne! Great job on your video! HAHA I liked how all of you can act out effortlessly and without getting embarrassing.

    But back to part ii, I totally agree that UGC have been an important part of people’s lives especially adolescence. In our society today, UGC has become so rampant that people rely more on UGC to get their daily news and information from all over the world as compared to mainstream traditional media. I feel that people especially adolescence would not be able to live a day without using UGC like social media because it has become a habit for us to check it everyday even though there are no updates whatsoever. Furthermore, everyday conversations among friends are normally initiated by watching or reading UGC! It is indeed fascinating to see how the influence of UGC quickly seeps into our lives and probably taking over traditional TV as the new mainstream media.


  3. Hi sister! it is true that one of the advantages of UGC is the ease of access and we as users can view them from almost anywhere with internet connection. Other than providing entertainment and or news, it has also become a social platform for the youth and a topic of conversation amongst themselves. It is true that mainstream TV is more credible but it is indeed slower than other UGC platforms and perhaps that is what the viewers demand in our present time, speed over accuracy. This trend could be seen in the US, where fake news is rampant and has affected the credibility of certain news information and even the president of the free world has been knowned to used inaccurate information off the internet. I believe that there are pros and cons for both and the audience should be careful about who they trust.


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